En esta página se encuentran las soluciones de las lecciones 27 a 32 del Worbook de New Practical Chinese Reader 3. Las respuestas son ofrecidas por la escuela Aprende Chino Hoy.
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NPCR Workbook 3
第27课 —— 入乡随俗
第28课 —— 礼清情意重
第29课 —— 请多提意见
第30课 —— 他们是练太极剑的
第31课 —— 中国人叫它“母亲河”
第32课 —— 这样的问题现在也不能问了
3.Give the pinyin of the following words and phrases and then translate them into English.
了解, liao2jie3——understand
买了一本书 mai3 le yi4ben3shu1——bought a book
公共场所,gong1gong4 chang3suo3——public places
下了一场雨 xia4 le yi4chang3yu3—— fell a rain
一边喝茶一边看书, yi4bian1 he1cha2 yi4bian1 kan4shu1——drinking tea while reading book
桌子的一边 zhuo1zi de yi4bian1——one side of the desk
切蛋糕, qie1 dan4gao1——cut the cake
一切顺利 yi2qie4 shun4li4——everything goes the best
帮助, bang1zhu4——help
休息, xiu1xi——rest
考试, kao3shi4——exam
聚会, ju4hui4——party
管理, guan3li3——manage
检查, jian3cha2——check
访问, fang3wen4——visit
翻译, fan1yi4——translate
声音, sheng1yin1——voice
语言, yu3yan2——language
东西, dong1xi1——thing
多少, duo1shao3——how many
没有, mei2you3——have not
买卖, mai3mai4——buy and sell
国家, guo2jia1——country
长短, chang2duan3——length
大小, da4xiao3——size
优美, you1mei3——elegant
安静, an1jing4——quiet
刀叉, dao1cha1——knife and folk
学习, xue2xi2——study
锻炼, duan4lian4——do physical exercise
教练, jiao4lian4——coach
种类, zhong3lei4——kind / variety
4.Give the pinyin of the following groups of words and then translate them into English. Try to guess the meaning of the words you haven’t learned and then confirm them with the help of your friends, teachers, or dictionaries.
茶馆, cha2guan3——teahouse
茶壶, cha2hu2——tea pot
茶叶, cha2ye4——tea
茶几, cha2ji1——tea table
风俗, feng1su2——custom
风情, feng1qing2——style
风味, feng1wei4——flavor
风景, feng1jing3——scenery
正常, zheng4chang2——normal
正确, zheng4que4——correct
正反, zheng4fan3——positive and negative
正月, zheng1yue4——the first month
干净, gan1jing4——clean
干杯, gan4bei1——cheers
干脆, gan1cui4——simply
干部, gan4bu4——cadres
香茶, xiang1cha2——fragrant tea
烧香, shao1xiang1——to burn incense
香港, xiang1gang3——HongKong
睡得香, shui4 de xiang1——sleep very well
发现, fa1xian4——discover
发明, fa1ming2——invented
发展, fa1zhan3——develop
发达, fa1da2——developed
发烧, fa1shao1——fever
5.Match each of the following characters in the first line with that in the sencond to make a word according to the pinyin provided. Draw a line to connect the two.
6.Fill in the blanks with the correct characters.
(1)他很 快 乐。
我用 筷 子。
来一 块 点心。
(2)洗得很干 净。
请大家安 静。
(3)舞台上正在 唱 戏。
他们在咖啡馆 喝 茶。
(4)吃西餐,他用 刀 叉。
他工作很努 力。
(5)您 几 位来点 儿 什么?
他们四位是日本人。我们 九 位是中国人。
7.Organize the characters in parentheses into Chinese sentences according to the pinyin given.
8.Fill in the blanks with the correct characters according to the pinyin.
10.Fill in the blanks with the proper verbs.
11.Choose the correct answers.
12.Make sentences by matching the words of part 1 with those from part 2 with lines.
13.Write sentences with the words given.
14.Make sentences with the words given.
15.Change the following sentences into the statements with complements.
16.Translate the following sentences into Chinese, using the words given in the parentheses.
17.Decide whether the following statements are grammatically correct (T) or wrong (F).
18.Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text in “Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing” of this lesson.
19.Answer the following questions.
(1)the meaning of the question is:
Do you like to travel abroad?
(2)the meaning of the question is:
Which countries or cities you have been to?
(3)the meaning of the question is:
Do you find any special customs of those countries or cities?And what’s that?
(4)the meaning of the question is:
How do you think about these customs? Do you get used to that?
(5)the meaning of the question is:
How should you do to their customs?
20.Read the passages and do the following exercises.
(1)Fill in each blank with the correct word according to the pinyin.
在, 干净。
(2)Answer the following questions after reading the passage.
a. 是父子关系。
b. 王羲之是中国古代著名的书法家。
c. 让儿子练习写“大”字。
d. 觉得写得很好。
e. 不认为写得好。
f. 因为母亲只说“太”字下边的一点写得好,可那一点不是王献之写的。
(3)Answer the questions according to the passage.
a 表示感谢。
b 是从清朝乾隆皇帝开始的。
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3.Give the pinyin of the following words and phrases and then translate them into English.
关上门, guan1 shang4 men2——close the door completely
戴上围巾, dai4 shang4 wei2jin1——put the scarf on your neck
写上名字, xie3 shang4 ming2zi4——write down your name
带上护照 dai4 shang4 wu4zhao4——take the passport with you
打开礼物, da3 kai1 li3wu4——open the gift
打开书, da3 kai1 shu1——open the book
切开苹果, qie1 kai1 ping2guo3——cut the apple into two parts
搬开桌子 ban1 kai1 zhuo1zi——move away the table
茶馆,cha2guan3——teahouse 爱情,ai4qing2——love
蛋糕 dan4gao1——cake 茶杯,cha2bei1——tea cup
西餐,xi1can1——western food 电脑 dian4nao3——computer
火锅,huo3guo1——hotpot 汽车,qi4che1——car
毛笔 mao2bi3——brush 电视,dian4shi4——TV
厨房,chu2fang2——kitchen 客厅 ke4ting1——living room
卧室,wo4shi4——sleeping room 宿舍,su4she4——dormitory
花园 hua1yuan2——garden 剧院,ju4yuan4——theater
礼物,li3wu4——gift 美术 mei3shu4——fine arts
商店,shang1dian4——shop 特色,te4se4——distinguishing feature
字画 zi4hua4——calligraphy 小孩,xiao3hai2——kid
医生,yi1sheng1——doctor 舞台 wu3tai2——stage
围巾,wei2jin1——scarf 春天,chun1tian1——spring
今年 jin1nian2——this year 中秋,zhong1qiu1——mid-autumn
外国,wai4guo2——foreign country 月饼 yue4bing3——mooncake
水果,shui3guo3——fruit 名片,ming2pian4——personal card
油画 you2hua4——oil painting 音乐,yin1yue4——music
汉语 han4yu3——Chinese language
4.Give the pinyin of the following groups of words and then translate them into English. Try to guess the meaning of the words you haven’t learned and then confirm them with the help of your friends, teachers, or dictionaries.
中餐,zhong1can1——Chinese food
西餐,xi1can1——Western food
自助餐 zi4zhu4can1——buffet
喝酒,he1jiu3——drink wine
酒店 jiu3dian4——hotel
正月 zheng1yue4——the first month
重要 zhong4yao4——important
小心,xiao3xin1——take care
中心 zhong1xin1——center
特色,te4se4——distinguishing feature
特殊 te4shu1——special
5.Match each of the following characters in the first line with that in the sencond to make a word according to the pinyin provided. Draw a line to connect the two.
6.Fill in the blanks with the correct characters.
(1)这是名 牌 毛笔。
(2)我们中秋吃月 饼。
(3)礼轻 情 意重。
(4)她 戴 一条丝绸围巾。
(5)他们帮我 搬 书。
(6)我们表 示 感谢。
7.Organize the characters in parentheses into Chinese sentences according to the pinyin given.
8.Fill in the blanks with the correct characters according to the pinyin.
10.Fill in the blanks with the proper verbs.
(4)我有很多练习要(做) 。
11.Choose the correct answers.
(1) A
(2) B
(3) D
(4) B
(5) A
12.Make sentences by matching the words of part1 with those of part 2 with lines.
13.Write sentences with the words given.
14.Make sentences with the words given.
15.Change the following sentences into the statements with the complement “上” or “开”.
16.Translate the following sentences into Chinese, using the words given in the parentheses.
17.Decide whether the following statements are grammatically correct (T) or wrong (F).
(3)(F)我刚才没有去图书馆。/ 我刚才去图书馆了。
18.Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text in “Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing” of this lesson.
19.Answer the following questions.
(1)the meaning of the question is:
Have you celebrated foreign festivals?
(2)the meaning of the question is:
Have you received any gifts from foreign friends? What were those gifts?
(3)the meaning of the question is:
What will you say when you receive gift?
(4)the meaning of the question is:
Did you give any gifts to foreign friends?
(5)the meaning of the question is:
What will you say when you give gift to others?
20.Read the passages and do the following exercises.
(1)Translate the following words according to the passage.
a. 狐狸——fox
b. 兔子——rabbit
c. 猴子——monkey
d. 真诚——sincere
e. 化装——makeup
f. 老头儿——old man
(2)Complete the following statements according to the passage.
a. 中秋节
b. 清代乾隆
c. 乾隆皇帝
(3)Answer the questions accoeding to the passage.
a. 有两千多年了。
b. 蒙恬
c. 用刀
d. 感兴趣 / 不感兴趣
(4)Answer the following questions after reading the passage.
a. 因为在基督教的故事里,背叛耶酥的人犹大正是他的第13个信徒。
b. 因为“4”的发音和“死”很像。
c. 从第12层就到了第14层。
d. 有的楼房把第4层写成F层。
e. “6”是顺,“8”是发,“9”是久。
f. 有“6”,“8”,“9”的号码比没有的贵很多。
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3.Give the pinyin of the following words and phrases and then translate them into English.
长城长,chang2cheng2chang2——the Great Wall is very long
小孩长得很高,xiao3hai2 zhang3 de hen3 gao1——the kid grows very tall
叶子长长了 ye4zi zhang3 chang2 le——the leaves grew longer
音乐 yin1yue4——music
不如 bu4ru2——be not as good as
主角,zhu3jiao3——main actor
角色 jue2se4——role
放下,fang4xia4——let down
摆好 bai3hao3——put in order
4.Give the pinyin of the following groups of words and then translate them into English. Try to guess the meaning of the words you haven’t learned and then confirm them with the help of your friends, teachers, or dictionaries.
书房,shu1fang2——book room
书架,shu1jia4——book shelf
图书馆 tu2shu1guan3——library
景观 jing3guan1——landscape
开门,kai1men2——open the door
开会 kai1hui4——hold a meeting
工程师 gong1cheng2shi1——engineer
不如,bu4ru2——be not as good as
比如,bi3ru2——for example
如意 ru2yi4——goes well
明年 ming2nian2——next year
5.Match each of the following characters in the first line with that in the sencond to make a word according to the pinyin provided. Draw a line to connect the two.
6.Fill in the blanks with the correct characters.
(1)他做 练 习。 我锻 炼 身体。
(2)欢 迎你们。请大家参 观。
(3)这是 盆 景。那是光 盘。
(4)他在 修 整君子兰。他在书房 休 息。
(5)这是园艺师的 作 品,他 做 得很漂亮。
7.Organize the characters in parentheses into Chinese sentences according to the pinyin given.
8.Fill in the blanks with the correct characters according to the pinyin.
10.Fill in the blanks with the proper verbs.
(2)书架上 (摆) 着这么多古书。
(3) (种) 盆景比养花要难得多。
(4)我要把它 (挂) 在我宿舍的墙上。
(5)请多 (提) 意见。
11.Choose the correct answers.
(1) B
(2) C
(3) A
(4) A
(5) D
12.Make sentences by matching the words of part1 with those of part 2 with lines.
13.Write sentences with the words given.
14.Make sentences with the words given.
15.Change the following sentences into the statements with “把”.
16.Translate the following sentences into Chinese, using the words given in the parentheses.
17.Decide whether the following statements are grammatically correct (T) or wrong (F).
18.Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text in “Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing” of this lesson.
19.Answer the following questions.
(1)the meaning of the question is:
Do you like Chinese culture? Such as: calligraphy, Taiji boxing, Beijing opera, Chinese painting, etc.
(2)the meaning of the question is:
How do you reply when you got someone’s praise?
(3)the meaning of the question is:
How do the Chinese people reply when got someone’s praise?
(4)the meaning of the question is:
Do you get used to the reply of Chinese people?
20.Read the passages and do the following exercises.
(1)Fill in each blank with the correct word.
(2)Complete the statements according to the passage.
a. 中国
b. 一千多年
c. 月季花
d. 市花
(3)Answer the following questions after reading the passage.
a. 绑成一支笔。
b. 在砖上写字,不是在纸上。
c. 不用。
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3.Give the pinyin of the following words and phrases and then translate them into English.
不要 bu2yao4——not want
爱好,ai4hao4——be fond of
叫好 jiao4hao4——applaud
扭得全身是汗,niu3 de quan2shen1 shi4 han4——twist the body into full of sweat
得到一块巧克力,de2dao4 yi2 kuai4 qiao3ke4li4——got a piece of chocolate
你得练习太极拳 ni3 dei3 lian4xi2 tai4ji2quan2——you have to practice Taiji boxing
照相,送礼,(zhao4xiang4——take photos,song4li3——give presents)
下棋,结业,(xia4qi2——play chess,jie2ye4——complete a course)
吃饭,放心,(chi1fan4——eat meal,fang4xin1——be ease for someone/something)
放假,挂号,(fang4jia4——have a holiday,gua4hao4——register a number in hospital)
换钱,加油,(huan4qian2——exchange money,jia1you2——make an all-out effort)
烤鸭,排队,(kao3ya1——roast duck,pai2dui4——queue)
起床,上班,(qi3chuang2——get up,shang4ban1——go to work)
散步,跳舞,(san4bu4——take a walk,tiao4wu3——dance)
唱歌,做操,(chang4ge1——-sing,zuo4cao1——do gymnastics)
罚款,教书,(fa2kuan3——fine money,jiao1shu1——-teaching)
开门(kai1men2——open the door)
4.Give the pinyin of the following groups of words and then translate them into English. Try to guess the meaning of the words you haven’t learned and then confirm them with the help of your friends, teachers, or dictionaries.
跳秧歌舞,tiao4 yang1ge1wu3——to do the yangge dance
跳交谊舞,tiao4 jiao1yi4wu3——to do the ballroom dance
跳民族舞,tiao4 min2zu2wu3——to do the ethnic dance
跳芭蕾舞 tiao4 ba1lei2wu3—— to do the ballet dance
打太极拳,da3 tai4ji2quan2——play Taiji boxing
打球,da3qiu2——play ball
打电话,da3 dian4hua4——make a phone call
打水,da3shui3——fetch water
打饭 da3fan4——get rice
老人,lao3ren2——elderly person
老头,lao3tou2——old man
老公 lao3gong1——husband
唱京剧,chang4 jing1ju4——sing Beijing opera
唱流行歌曲,chang4 liu2xing2 ge1qu3——sing popular songs
唱民歌,chang4 min2ge1——sing folk songs
唱外国歌 chang4 wai4guo2ge1——sing foreign songs
上班,shang4ban1——go to work
下班,xia4ban1——finish work
白班,bai2ban1——daytime work
夜班,ye4ban1——night work
加班 jia1ban1——overtime work
叫座,jiao4zuo4——draw a large audience
叫做 jiao4zuo4——called
休假 xiu1jia4——go on a vacation
网吧,wang3ba——cyber cafe
书吧 shu1ba——book bar
5.Match each of the following characters in the first line with that in the sencond to make a word according to the pinyin provided. Draw a line to connect the two.
6.Fill in the blanks with the correct characters.
(1)他在家很休 闲。
我没有时 间。
这很 简 单。
(2)他的动 作 很漂亮。
这叫 做 盆景。
(3)他喜欢 武 术。
我爱好跳 舞。
(4)这种放 式 不错。
他们明天考 试。
7.Organize the characters in parentheses into Chinese sentences according to the pinyin given.
8.Fill in the blanks with the correct characters according to the pinyin.
10.Fill in the blanks with the proper verbs.
1)那儿有很多人在 扭 秧歌。
11.Choose the correct answers.
(1) B
(2) A
(3) C
(4) B
(5) D
12.Make sentences by matching the words of part1 with those of part 2 with lines.
13.Write sentences with the words given.
14.Make sentences with the words given.
15.Change the following sentences into the statements with the particle “了”.
16.Translate the following sentences into Chinese, using the words in the parentheses.
17.Decide whether the following statements are grammatically correct (T) or wrong (F).
(2)(F)他太极拳打得好极了。 / 他打太极拳打得好极了。
18.Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text in “Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing” of this lesson.
19.Answer the following questions.
(1)the meaning of the question is:
At what time you prefer doing physical exercises? Why?
(2)the meaning of the question is:
What kind of leisure you have?
(3)the meaning of the question is:
Do you often walk or jog? How to do the sports that you think is the best for body?
(4)the meaning of the question is:
Whether you think the young people everyday face to the computer work or have fun is good or not?
20.Read the passages and do the following exercises.
(1)Fill in each blank with the correct word.
(2)Complete the following statements according to the passage.
a. 生产劳动
b. 5000多年
c. 中国北方民间
d. 简单,有
e. 一种很快乐的舞蹈活动,又是锻炼身体的好方式。
(3)Answer the following questions after reading the passage.
a. 喝彩,鼓掌,
b. 演员在表演的时候唱错了,或者演坏了。这种行为不对,很不文明。
c. 有
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3.Give the pinyin of the following words and phrases and then translate them into English.
围着很多人,wei2 zhe hen3 duo1 ren2——surrounded by a lot of people
着急 zhao2ji2——anxious
心静 xin1jing4——calm one’s mind
4.Give the pinyin of the following groups of words and then translate them into English. Try to guess the meaning of the words you haven’t learned and then confirm them with the help of your friends, teachers, or dictionaries.
母校,mu3xiao4—— alma mater
母语 mu3yu3——mother tongue
成立 cheng2li4——establish
放长假,fang4 chang2jia4——have a long holiday
放暑假,fang4 shu3jia4——have summer holiday
放水 fang4shui3—— drainage
风景 feng1jing3——scenery
5.Match each of the following characters in the first line with that in the sencond to make a word according to the pinyin provided. Draw a line to connect the two.
6.Fill in the blanks with the correct characters.
(1)他的口语成 绩 不错。
这个房间的面 积 是18平方米。
7.Organize the characters in parentheses into Chinese sentences according to the pinyin given.
8.Fill in the blanks with the correct characters according to the pinyin.
10.Fill in the blanks with the proper verbs.
(1)黄河 (有) 多长?
(2)我们班的学生, (包括) 两个旁听生,共有24个人。
(3)我们 (称) 出租车司机师傅。
(4)刚才有人给大为 (打) 电话。
(5)明天就要考试了,我 (紧张) 得睡不好觉。
11.Choose the correct answers.
(1) B
(2) D
(3) C
(4) A
(5) D
12.Make sentences by matching the words of part1 with those of part 2 with lines.
13.Write sentences with the words given.
14.Make sentences with the words given.
15.Change the following sentences into the statements with the verb “有”.
16.Translate the following sentences into Chinese by Using the character “有”.
17.Decide whether the following statements are grammatically correct (T) or wrong (F).
18.Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text in “Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing” of this lesson.
19.Answer the following questions.
(1)the meaning of the question is:
What’s the name of the biggest river in your country? What do you call them?
(2)the meaning of the question is:
Which scenic spots and historical sites you have been visit in China? what do you think anout them?
(3)the meaning of the question is:
Do you know how to use Chinese to say large numbers? Try to casually write a few numbers, such as your country’s population, size, etc. and then read them out, and use them to test your friends.
20.Read the passage and do the following exercises.
(1)Complete the following statements according to the passage.
a. 亚洲,西岸
b. 5000公里
c. 1949年10月1日成立的
(2)Answer the following questions after reading the passage.
a. 1840米高
b. 6万平方米
c. 不到光明顶,不见黄山景。
(3)Answer the following questions after reading the passage.
a. 河南在黄河的南部,所以叫河南;湖北在洞庭湖的北部,所以叫湖北。
b. 黄河的西部。
c. the meaning of the question is:In your country, which place names have relations with the local natural environments?
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2.Give the pinyin of the following words and phrases and then translate them into English.
说得真好,shuo1de zhen1hao3——speak very good
得看情况,dei3 kan4 qing2kuang4——depend on the situation
照相,zhao4xiang4——take photos
互相,hu4xiang1——each other
名不虚传,ming2bu4xu1chuan2——to have a well-deserved reputation
自传,zi4zhuan4—— autobiography
地道,di4dao4—— authentic
知道, zhi1dao——to know
后背, hou4bei4——back
弟弟,di4di——younger brother
姐姐,jie3jie——older sister
妹妹,mei4mei—–younger sister
舅舅,jiu4jiu- —-uncle / mother’s brothers
姑姑,gu1gu——aunt / father’s sisters
慢慢, man4man—–slowly
3.Give the pinyin of the following groups of words and then translate them into English. Try to guess the meaning of the words you haven’t learned and then confirm them with the help of your friends, teachers, or dictionaries.
公费,gong1fei4——public expense
游动,you2dong4——move around
老头儿,lao3tour2——old man
还凑合,hai2 cou4he2——passable
还可以,hai2 ke3yi3——just so so
还不错,hai2 bu2cuo4——-not bad
还行, hai2xing2——ok
4.Match each of the following characters in the first line with that in the sencond to make a word according to the pinyin provided. Draw a line to connect the two.
5.Fill in the blanks with the correct characters.
(1)这是个人隐 私 。
他 和 你都去。
(2)您 往 里边走。
那是他的 住 房。
(3)我没有听 清 楚。
他 请 你吃饭。
(4)他很 欣 赏这儿的景色。
她头疼, 所 以没有来。
6.Organize the characters in parentheses into Chinese sentences according to the pinyin given.
7.Fill in the blanks with the correct characters according to the pinyin.
大为刚 从 黄山回来,宋华问他这次旅行 怎么样 。大为说:“好 极 了!黄山的 景色 很有特色。”但是,他 对 一位中国小伙子问他的个人 隐私 问题很不舒服。宋华告诉他,这是 表示 对他的关心和友好。可是大为还是 认为 这些问题不应该问。
9.Fill in the blanks with the proper verbs.
10.Choose the correct answers.
(1)她能不能来参加晚会,得 C 他心情好不好。
(2)我喜欢喝可乐 C 。
(3)他学习已经 C 努力了。
(4)他爸爸是唱京剧 A 。
(5)你 C 多查一些衣服,外面很冷。
11.Make sentences by matching the words of part1 with those of part 2 with lines.
12.Write sentences with the words given.
13.Make sentences with the words given.
14.Change the following sentences into the statements with the preposition “把”.
15.Translate the following sentences into Chinese, using the words in the parentheses.
16.Decide whether the following statements are grammatically correct (T) or wrong (F).
17.Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text in “Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing” of this lesson.
18.Answer the following questions.
(1)the meaning of the question is:
Do you like to chat with others?
(2)the meaning of the question is:
What your Chinese friends fell interest to chat? What about you?
(3)the meaning of the question is:
What will you when you don’t want to answer other’s questions?
19.Read the passages and do the following exercises.
(1)Translate the following words according to the passage.
a. 树龄 shu4ling2——age of trees
b. 守护 shou3hu4——guard
c. 岁月 sui4yue4——years
d. 仍然 reng1ran2——still
e. 茂盛 mao4sheng4—— maunsell
(2)Complete the following statements after reading the passage.
a. 特别喜欢
b. 有个三四岁
c. 准备
d. 美丽
(3)Discuss the question according to the passage.
(4)Answer the questions after reading the passage.
a. 对一些“直率”的习惯不能理解。
b. 常常用“吃了吗?”“你去哪儿?”来打招呼;是表示关心。
c. 说明不是朋友跟朋友在聊天。
d. 有。
e. (家里发生的事,或者有没有男朋友,等等。)
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