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Lección21-第二十一 们的队员是从不同国家来

Listening and Speaking Exercises

2. Listen to each question and circle the correct answer according to the texts.

(1)C (2)B (3)A (4)C (5)D

3. Listen to the following dialogue and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

(1)T (2)F (3)F (4)T (5)F (6)F (7)T (8)F

The dialogue is:


4. Listen and fill in the blanks.


5. Listen and write the sentences in pinyin.

(1)Ni3 xia4che1 yi3hou4 dei3 wang3 zuo2 guai3.
Nǐ xiàchē yǐhòu děi wǎng zuǒ guǎi.

(2)Ji4zhe3 de zhi2ye4 xi2guan4 jiu4 shi4 wen4 wen4ti2.
Jìzhě de zhíyè xíguàn jiù shì wèn wèntí.

(3)Wo4shi4 zai4 ke4ting1 de dong1bian1, chu2fang2 de bei3bian1.
Wòshì zài kètīng de dōngbiān, chúfáng de běibiān.

(4)De2guo2 dui4 shi4 zen3me ying2 Yi4da4li4 dui4 de?
Déguó duì shì zěnme yíng Yìdàlì duì de?

(5)Su1zhou1, Hand2zhou1 shi4 gen1 tian1tang2 yi2yang4 mei3 de liang3ge4 cheng2shi4.
Sūzhōu, Hángzhōu shì gēn tiāntáng yíyàng měi de liǎnggè chéngshì.

The Chinese sentences are:


6. Listen and write the characters.


7. Role-play.


Reading and Writing Exercises

1. Trace the characters, following the correct stroke order. Then copy the characters in the blanks.


2. Write the characters in the blanks, paying attention to the character components.


3. Give the pinyin of the following pictophonetic characters with the sound components at the bottom and the meaning components on the top. Then translate them into English.

(1)花(hua1 – huā)flower
(2)寄(ji4 – jì)send
(3)蕉(jiao1 – jiāo)banana; plantain
(4)篇(pian1 – piān)chapter, section, essay, article
(5)苹(ping2 – píng)artemisia; duckweed; apple
(6)舍(she4 – shè)house, dwelling; dwell, reside
(7)药(yao4 – yào)medicine
(8)房(fang2 – fáng)house
(9)爸(ba4 – bà)father

4. Give the pinyin of the following groups of words and then translate them into English.

(1)学(xue2 – xué)— 学习(xue2xi2 – xuéxí)study
学生(xue2sheng – xué sheng)student
学院(xue2yuan4 – xuéyuàn)institute
学校(xue2xiao4 – xuéxiào)school
大学(da4xue2 – dàxué)college
中学(zhong1xue2 – zhōngxué)middle school
小学(xiao3xue2 – xiǎoxué)elementary school
同学(tong2xue2 – tóngxué)classmate

(2)以(yi3 – yǐ)— 以后(yi3hou4 – yǐhòu)after
以前(yi3qian2 – yǐqián)before
以上(yi3shang4 – yǐshàng)the above/over
以下(yi3xia4 – yǐxià)below/under/the following
以内(yi3nei4 – yǐnèi)within
以外(yi3wai4 – yǐwài)beyond

(3)边(bian1 – biān)— 右边(you4bian1 – yòubiān)the right
东边(dong1bian1 – dōngbiān)the east
南边(nan2bian1 – nánbiān)the south
西边(xi1bian1 – xībiān)the west
北边(bei3bian1 – běibiān)the north
前边(qian2bian1 – qiánbiān)front
后边(hou4bian1 – hòubiān)back
里边(li3bian1 – lǐbiān)inside
外边(wai4bian1 – wàibiān)outside
上边(shang4bian1 – shàngbiān)above/upside
下边(xia4bian1 – xiàbiān)below/under/next

(4)年(nian2,nián)—今年(jin1nian2 – jīntiān)this year
明年(ming2nian2 – míngnián)next year
去年(qu4nian2 – qùnián)last year
前年(qian2nian2 – qiánnián)the year before last year
后年(hou4nian2 – hòunián)the year after next year
年轻(nian2qing1 – niánqīng)young

(5)教(jiao4 – jiào)—教练(jiao4lian4 – jiàoliàn)coach
教师(jiao4shī – jiàoshi1)teacher
教员(jiao4yuan2 – jiàoyuán)teacher/instructor
教学(jiao4xue2 – jiàoxué)teaching
教室(jiao4shi4 – jiàoshì)classroom

5. Add character components to the following characters to form the characters and words/phrases which we have learned.


6. Give the pinyin of the following characters and write the characters according to the pinyin.

(1)卧室的外边wo4shi4 de wai4bian1 – wòshì de wàibiān—the outside of bedroom
(2)球员的职业习惯qiu2yuan2 de zhi2ye4 xi2guan4 – qiúyuán de zhíyè xíguàn—occupational habit of ballplayer
(3)很想赢他们队hen3 xiang3 ying2 ta1men dui4 – hěn xiǎng yíng tāmen duì—want to win their team very much
(4)写一篇介绍文章xie3 yi4 pian1 jie4shao4 wen2zhang1 – xiě yì piān jièshào wénzhāng—write an introductory article

7. Fill in the blanks with “” or “”.


8. Choose the correct answer.

(1)C (2)B (3)D (4)A (5)B

9. Make sentences by matching the words of part 1 with those of part 2 .


10. Write sentences with the words given.


11. Make sentences with the words given.


12. Change the following sentences into the ones with “…………”.


13. Translate the following sentences into English.

(1)After get off th subway walk three minutes to the east, and then turn to the north.
(2)My father took bus to participate his old friend’s party.
(3)Chinese department is in the east of the office of foreign language department, and there isasmall library on its north.
(4)Hello everyone, this reporter is invited by our company, he wants to write an article to introduce bus driver and ticket seller, he came here today is to take pictures of you.
(5)Why they still not come? Do they forget the competition time again?

14. Decide whether the following statements are grammatically correct (T) or wrong (F).

(1)F 那位教练来以后,大学生队的水平就提高了。
(3)F 她是从上海来的,不是北京人。
(5)F 我想写一篇文章,介绍介绍那位有名的画家。

15. Answer the following questions according to the text in “Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing” of this lesson.

(1)“上有天堂,下有苏杭” 。

17. Read the passage and fill in the blank.


Lección22-第二十二 你看过越剧没

Listening and Speaking Exercises

2. Listen to each question and circle the correct answer according to the texts.

(1)D (2)A (3)C (4)B (5)D

3. Listen to the following dialogue and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

(1)F (2)T (3)F (4)F (5)T (6)T

The dialogue is:


4. Listen and fill in the blanks.


5. Listen and write the sentences in pinyin.

(1)Yue4ju4 shi4 yi4zhong3 fei1chang2 you1mei3 de di4fang1xi5.
Yuèjù shì yìzhǒng fēicháng yōuměi de dìfāngxì.

(2)《hong2lou2meng4》shi4 Zhong1guo2 gu3dian3 xiao3shuo1 de dai4biao3zuo4.
《hónglóumèng》shì Zhōngguó gǔdiǎn xiǎoshuō de dàibiǎozuò.

(3)Lin2 Na4 de sang3zi hen3 hao3, ke3yi3 xue2 yi4 xue2 chang4 jing1ju4.
Lín Nà de sǎngzi hěn hǎo, kěyǐ xué yì xué chàng yuèjù.

(4)Wo3men da3di1 qu4 fang3wen4 na4 wei4 nü3zhu3jue2.
Wǒmen dǎdī qù fǎngwèn nà wèi nǚzhǔjué.

(5)Wo3 yi3qian2 cong2lai2 mei2 zai4 dian4nao3 shang4 yong4 guo4 zhong1wen2.
Wǒ yǐqián cónglái méi zài diànnǎo shàng yòng guò zhōngwén.

The Chinese sentences are:


6. Listen and write the characters.


7. Role-play.


Reading and Writing Exercises

1. Trace the characters, following the correct stroke order. Then copy the characters in the blanks.


2. Write the characters in the blanks, paying attention to the character components.


3. Give the pinyin of the following pictophonetic characters with the sound components at the bottom and the meaning components on the top. Then translate them into English.

(1)帮(bang1 – bāng)help
(2)婆(po2 – pó)old woman/husband’s mother
(3)华(hua2 – huá)glory/splender
(4)照(zhao4 – zhào)shine/illuminate
(5)您(nin2 – nín)you(polite)
(6)愿(yuan4 – yuàn)wish/desire
(7)想(xiang3 – xiǎng)think/want
(8)恭(gong1 – gōng)respectful, polite, reverent

4. Give the pinyin of the following groups of words and then translate them into English.

(1)剧(ju4 – jù)—京剧(jing1ju4 – jīngjù)the Beijing opera
越剧(yue4ju4 – yuèjù)the Shaoxing opera

(2)方(fang1 – fāng)—地方(di4fang1 – dìfāng)place
北方(bei3fang1 – běifāng)north
南方(nan2fang1 – nánfāng)south
东方(dong1fang1 – dōngfāng)east
西方(xi1fang1 – xīfāng)west

(3)情(qing2 – qíng)—爱情(ai4qing2 – àiqíng)love
感情(gan3qing2 – gǎnqíng)emotion/feeling

(4)院(yuan4 – yuàn)—剧院(ju4yuan4 – jùyuàn)theatre
医院(yi1yuan4 – yīyuàn)hospital
学院(xue2yuan4 – xuéyuàn)institute
电影院(dian4ying3yuan4 – diànyǐngyuàn)cinema

(5)员(yuan2 – yuán)—演员(yan3yuan2 – yǎnyuán)actor
学员(xue2yaun2 – xuéyuán)student
队员(dui4yuan2 – duìyuán)team member
售票员(shou4piao4yuan2 – shòupiàoyuán)ticket seller
售货员(shou4huo4yuan2 – shòuhuòyuán)shop assistant

(6)么(me – me)— 这么(zhe4me – zhème)so/such/ like this
那么(na4me – nàme)like that/in that way
什么(shen2me – shénme)what
怎么(zen3me – zěnme)how
多么(duo1me – duōme)how/what

(7)特(te4 – tè)—特别(te4bie2 – tè bié)special
特点(te4dian3 – tèdiǎn)characteristic
特色(te4se4 – tèsè)distinguishing feature/characteristic

(8)见(jian4 – jiàn)— 再见(zai4jian4 – zàijiàn)goodbye
看见(kan4jian4 – kàn jiàn)see
听见(ting1jian4 – tīngjiàn)listen
梦见(meng4jian4 – mèngjiàn)dream

5. Add character components to the following characters to form the characters and words/phrases which we have learned.


6. Give the pinyin of the following characters and write the characters according to the pinyin.

(1)感人的故事gan3ren2 de gu4shi4 – gǎnrén de gùshì
(2)读过西方古典小说du2 guo4 xi1fang1 gu3dian3 xiao3shuo1 – dú guò xīfāng gǔdiǎn xiǎoshuō
(3)打的去剧团da3di1 qu4 ju4tuan2 – dǎde qù jùtuán
(4)特别优美的音乐te4bie2 you1mei3 de yin1yue4 – tèbié yōuměi de yīnyuè

7. Add character components to each side of the character “” to form the characters.


8. Fill in the blanks with “一次”, “一遍” or “一下儿”.


9. Choose the correct answer.

(1)A (2)C (3)B (4)D (5)B

10. Make sentences by matching the words of part 1 with those of part 2 .


11. Write sentences with the words given.


12. Make sentences with the words given.


13. Change the following sentences into the ones with “虽然……但是/可是……”.


14. Translate the following sentences into English.

(1)There is a main actor named Jia Baoyu in 《Dream of the Red Chamber》, also has a main actress named Lin Daiyu.
(2)The tickets of that film are sold very good, because the film is very moving.
(3)Although I have not been to Beijing, I watched Beijing opera two times when I was in America.
(4)They are all not born in rich families.
(5)I sent two classic music discs to my younger sister after I came to China, she asked me to
buy three discs again.

15. Decide whether the following statements are grammatically correct (T) or wrong (F).

(1)F 虽然越剧很难学,但是她想试一试。
(2)T (3)T (4)T (5)T

16. Answer the following questions according to the text in “Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing” of this lesson.


18. Read the passage and fill in the blank with the proper words.


Lección23-第二十三 们爬上长城来

Listening and Speaking Exercises

2. Listen to each question and circle the correct answer according to the texts.

(1)C (2)B (3)C (4)D (5)A

3. Listen to the following dialogue and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

(1)F (2)F (3)T (4)F (5)T

The dialogue is:


4. Listen and fill in the blanks.


5. Listen and write the sentences in pinyin.

(1)Na4 bu4 yue4qu3 yan3zou4 de hen3 you1mei3.
Nà bù yuèqǔ yǎnzòu de hěn yōuměi.

(2)Zhe4 jian4 qi2pao2 duo1 pian2yi4 a!
Zhè jiàn qípáo duō piányì a!

(3)Xia4xue3 de jing3se4 ni3 yi3qian2 kan4 guo4 ma?
Xiàxuě de jǐngsè nǐ yǐqián kàn guò ma?

(4)Ta1 xiang3 duo1 pai1 xie1 zhao4pian4 ji4 hui2 guo2 qu4.
Tā xiǎng duō pāi xiē zhàopiàn jì huí guó qù.

(5)Zao1gao1,wo3 ba3 shang4 xue2qi1 xue2 de tai4ji2quan2 dou1 wang4 le!
Zāogāo, wǒ bǎ shàng xuéqī xué guò de tàijíquán dōu wàng le!

The Chinese sentences are:


6. Listen and write the characters.


7. Role-play.


Reading and Writing Exercises

1. Trace the characters, following the correct stroke order. Then copy the characters in the blanks.


2. Write the characters in the blanks, paying attention to the character components.


3. Give the pinyin of the following groups of words and then translate them into English.

(1)放(fang4 – fàng)—放假(fang4jia4 – fàngjià)vocation
放心(fang4xin1 – fàngxīn)set one’s mind/be at ease
放大(fang4da4 – fàngdà)enlarge
放行(fang4xing2 – fàngxíng)let somebody go/pass
放学(fang4xue2 – fàngxué)finish classes

(2)旅(lü3 – lǚ)— 旅行(lü3xing2 – lǚxíng)travel/journey/tour
旅游(lü3you2 – lǚyóu)tour
旅客(lü3ke4 – lǚkè)traveler/passenger
旅馆(lü3guan3 – lǚguǎn)hotel
旅店(lü3dian4 – lǚdiàn)inn/tavern

(3)票(piao4 – piào)— 机票(ji1piao4 – jīpiào)
车票(che1piao4 – chēpiào)ticket
戏票(xi4piao4 – xìpiào)theater ticket
门票(men2piao4 – ménpiào)gate ticket
发票(fa1piao4 – fāpiào)receipt

(4)顶(ding3 – dǐng)— 山顶(shan1ding3 – shāndǐng)top of mountain
楼顶(lou2ding3 – lóudǐng)top of building
房顶(fang2ding3 – fángdǐng)roof
屋顶(wu1ding3 – wūdǐng)roof/housetop
头顶(tou2ding3-tóudǐng)top of head

(5)天(tian1 – tiān)— 阴天(yin1tian1 – yīntiān)cloudy day
晴天(qing2tian1 – qíngtiān)sunny day
春天(chun1tian1 – chūntiān)spring
夏天(xia4tian1 – xiàtiān)summer
秋天(qiu1tian1 – qiūtiān)autumn
冬天(dong1tian1 – dōngtiān)winter
热天(re4tian1 – rètiān)hot days
冷天(leng3tian1 – lěngtiān)cold days

(6)度(du4 – dù)— 零度(ling2du4 – língdù)zero
温度(wen1du4 – wēndù)temperature
热度(re4du4 – rèdù)heat/degree of heat
高度(gao1du4 – gāodù)altitude/height
长度(chang2du4 – chángdù)length

(7)色(se4 – sè)— 景色(jing3se4 – jǐngsè)scene
颜色(yan2se4 – yánsè)color
起色(qi3se4 – qǐsè)improvement/get better
红色(hong2se4 – hóngsè)red
白色(bai2se4 – báisè)white

(8)机(ji1 – jī)—飞机(fei1ji1 – fēijī)airplane
照相机(zhao4xiang4ji1 – zhàoxiàngjī)camera
电视机(dian4shi4ji1 – diànshìjī)television
电话机(dian4hua4ji1 – diànhuàjī)telephone
打字机(da3zi4ji1 – dǎzìjī)typewriter

4. Add character components to the following characters to form the characters and words/phrases which we have learned.


5. Give the pinyin of the following characters and write the characters according to the pinyin.

(1)泰山的雪景Tai4shan1 de xue3 jing3 – Tàishān de xuě jǐng
(2)天气要冷了tian1qi4 yao4 leng3 le – tiānqì yào lěng le
(3)那部小说还没有看过 na4 bu4 xiao3shuo1 hai2 mei2 you3 kan4 guo4 – nà bù xiǎoshuō huán méi yǒu kàn guò
(4)游过来游过去you2 guo4 lai2 you2 guo4 qu4 – yóu guò lái yóu guò qù

6. Add character components to each side of the character “” to form the characters.


7. Fill in the blanks with “……” or “……”.


8. Fill in the blanks with correct answers.


9. Make sentences by matching the words of part 1 with those of part 2 .


10. Write sentences with the words given.


11. Make sentences with the words given.


12. Complete the following sentences with “……”.


13. Decide whether the following statements are grammatically correct (T) or wrong (F).

(1)F 那部小说看完没有?
(4)F 弟弟是导游,旅行的事儿他知道得很多。
(5)F 长城这么美,我要多拍些照片寄回家去。

14. Answer the following questions according to the text in “Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing” of this lesson.


15. Read the passage and do the following exercises.


Lección24-第二十四 你舅妈也开始用电脑

Listening and Speaking Exercises

2. Listen to each question and circle the correct answer according to the texts.

(1)B,C (2)A (3)D (4)C (5)B

3. Listen to the following dialogue and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

(1)F (2)F (3)T (4)F (5)T

The dialogue is:


4. Listen and fill in the blanks.


5. Listen and write the sentences in pinyin.

(1)Zhong4 wen1shi4 shu1cai4 mei2you3 xin1 ji4shu4 bu4xing2.
Zhòng wēnshì shūcài méiyǒu xīn jìshù bùxíng.

(2)Na4 ge4 zhong1nian2ren2 hen3 xiang4 wo3 jiu4jiu.
Nà gè zhōngniánrén hěn xiàng wǒ jiùjiu.

(3)Hen3duo1 da4xue2 de tu2shu1guan3 dou1 yong4 dian4nao3 guan3li3 shu1 he2 bao4.
Hěnduō dàxué de túshūguǎn dōu yòng diànnǎo guǎnlǐ shū hé bào.

(4)Na4 zuo4 18 ceng2 gao1 de su4she4lou2 gai4 qi3lai2 le.
Nà zuò 18 céng gāo de sùshèlóu gài qǐlái le.

(5)Ta1 zheng4zai4 you2ju2 ji4 bao1guo3 ne.
Tā zhèngzài yóujú jì bāoguǒ ne.

The Chinese sentences are:


6. Listen and write the characters.


Reading and Writing Exercises

1. Trace the characters, following the correct stroke order. Then copy the characters in the blanks.


2. Write the characters in the blanks, paying attention to the character components.


3. Give the pinyin of the following pictophonetic characters with the sound components at the bottom and the meaning components on the top. Then translate them into English.

(1)园yuan2 – yuán—garden
(2)房fang2 – fáng—house
(3)府fu3 – fǔ—government office,mansion,official residence
(4)厅ting1 – tīng—hall
(5)进jin4 – jìn—come in
(6)历li4 – lì—all previous,calendar,experience,go through
(7)座zuo4 – zuò—seat
(8)裹guo3 – guǒ—swathe,wrap
(9)远yuan3 – yuǎn—far

4. Give the pinyin of the following groups of words and then translate them into English.

(1)妈(ma1 – mā)—妈妈(ma1ma – māma)mother
舅妈(jiu4ma1 – jiùmā)aunt(wife of mother’s brother)
姑妈(gu1ma1 – gū mā)aunt(wife of father’s sister)
大妈(da4ma1 – dàmā)aunt

(2)农(nong2 – nóng)—农村(nong2 cun1 – nóngcūn)village
农民(nong2min2 – nóngmín)peasant/farmer
农忙(nong2mang2 – nóngmáng)busying season in farming
农药(nong2yao4 – nóngyào)agricultural/farm chemical,pesticide

(3)年(nian2 – nián)— 中年(zhong1nian2 – zhōngnián)middle age
老年(lao3nian2 – lǎonián)old age
新年(xin1nian2 – xīnnián)New Year
旧年(jiu4nian2 – jiùnián)lunar New Year

(4)学(xue2 – xué)—大学(da4xue2 – dàxué)college
中学(zhong1xue2 – zhōngxué)middle school
小学(xiao3xue2 – xiǎoxué)elementary school
留学(liu2xue2 – liúxué)study abroad

(5)向(xiang4 – xiàng)— 向左(xiang4 zuo3 – xiàng zuǒ)turn left
向右(xiang4 you4 – xiàng yòu)turn right
向前(xiang4 qian2 – xiàng qián)go head
向后(xiang4 hou4 – xiàng hòu)go back

(6)术(shu4 – shù)— 技术(ji4shu4 – jìshù)technology
美术(mei3shu4 – měishù)fine arts
学术(xue2shu4 – xuéshù)learning/science
算术(suan4shu4 – suànshù)arithmetic

(7)车(che1 – chē)—火车(huo3che1 – huǒchē)train
汽车(qi4che1 – qìchē)car
出租车(chu1zu1che1 – chūzūchē)taxi
公共汽车(gong1gong4 qi4che1 – gōnggòng qìchē)bus

5. Add character components to the following characters to form the characters and words/phrases which we have learned.


6. Give the pinyin of the following characters and write the characters according to the pinyin.

(1)一家蔬菜公司yi4 jia1 shu1cai4 gong1si1 – yì jiā shūcài gōngsī
(2)认识不认识上海人ren4shi bu ren4shi Shang4hai3 ren2,
rènshi bu rènshi Shànghǎi rén
(3)一路辛苦了yi2 lu4 xin1ku3 le – yí lù xīnkǔ le
(4)这些年的变化zhe4 xie1 nian2 de bian4hua4,zhè xiē nián de biànhuà

7. Add character components to each side of the character “” to form the characters.


8. Fill in the blanks with “……所以……”, “虽然……但是/可是……” or “不但……而且……”.


9. Choose the correct answer.

(1)D (2)C (3)B (4)B (5)C

10. Make sentences by matching the words of part 1 with those of part 2 .


11. Write sentences with the words given.


12. Make sentences with the words given.


13. Change the following sentences into the particle “”.


14. Translate the following sentences into English.

(1)Songhua’s uncle not only built a small building this year, but also built a greenhouse.
(2)Exactly, the winter in Guangzhou also very warm.
(3)Is your younger sister also a college student? Which grade she is now?
(4)The child is getting a fever now, we have to take her to hospital quickly.
(5)What is the suburban of Shanghai use to manage the greenhouses’ vegetables.

15. Decide whether the following statements are grammatically correct (T) or wrong (F).

(1)F 他不但是我的同学,而且还是我的朋友。
(2)F 昨天下午他来找我的时候,我正在上课。
(4)F 不但他们家盖了小楼,我们家也盖了小楼。

16. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text in “Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing” of this lesson.

(1)F (2)T (3)T (4)T (5)T

Lección25-第二十五 司机开着车送我们到医

Listening and Speaking Exercises

2. Listen to each question and circle the correct answer according to the texts.

(1)C (2)A (3)A (4)B (5)C

3. Listen to the following dialogue and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

(1)F (2)F (3)T (4)F (5)T

The dialogue is:


4. Listen and fill in the blanks.


5. Listen and write the sentences in pinyin.

(1)Yi1yao4fei4 hen3 gui4, yi2gong4 hua1 le0 600 duo1 kuai4 qian2.
Yīyàofèi hěn guì, yígòng huā le 600 duō kuài qián.

(2)Wo3 tong2xue2 de ge1bo bei4 yi2 liang4 zi4xing2che1 zhuang4 shang1 le.
Wǒ tóngxué de gēbo bèi yí liàng zìxíngchē zhuàng shāng le.

(3)Sheng4dan4jie2 de shi2hou4, wo3men yao4 kai1 zhe che1 qu4 jiao1qu1 lü3xing2.
Shèngdànjié de shíhòu, wǒmen yào kāi zhe chē qù jiāoqū lǚxíng.

(4)Zhen1 dao3mei2! Wo3 de xin4yong4ka3 you4 diu1 le.
Zhēn dǎoméi! Wǒ de xìnyòngkǎ yòu diū le.

(5)Jian3cha2 de jie2guo3 hen3 zao1gao1.
Jiǎnchá de jiéguǒ hěn zāogāo.

The Chinese sentences are:


6. Listen and write the characters.


7. Role-play.


Reading and Writing Exercises

1. Trace the characters, following the correct stroke order. Then copy the characters in the blanks.


2. Write the characters in the blanks, paying attention to the character components.


3. Write the pictophonetic characters you have learned so far with the following characters as their sound components.


4. Give the pinyin of the following groups of words and then translate them into English.

(1)医(yi1 – yī)— 医生(yi1sheng – yīsheng)doctor
医院(yi1yuan4 – yīyuàn)hospital
医药费(yi1yao4fei4 – yīyàofèi)
(2)车(che1 – chē)— 开车(kai1che1 – kāichē)driving
骑车(qi2che1 – qíchē)ride
坐火车(zuo4 huo3che1 – zuò huǒchē)
(3)电(dian4 – diàn)— 电视(dian4shi4 – diànshì)television
电影(dian4ying3 – diànyǐng)film
电脑(dian4nao3 – diànnǎo)computer
电话(dian4hua4 – diànhuà)telephone
(4)片(pian4 – piàn)— 名片(ming2pian4 – míngpiàn)calling card
照片(zhao4pian4 – zhàopiàn)photo
明信片(ming2xin4pian4 – míngxìnpiàn)post card
(5)以(yi3 – yǐ)— 以前(yi3qian2 – yǐqián)before
以后(yi3hou4 – yǐhòu)after
以上(yi3shang4 – yǐshàng)the above
以下(yi3xia4 – yǐxià)the following

5. Give the pinyin of the following characters and write the characters according to the pinyin.

zhuang4 shang1 le yi2 wei4 jiang1jun1—zhuàng shāng le yí wèi jiāngjūn
diu1 le yi2 ge4 bi3ji4ben3 dian4nao3—diū le yí gè bǐjìběn diànnǎo

(3)正在饭馆里喝酒zheng4zai4 fan4guan3 li3 he1jiu3—zhèngzài fànguǎn lǐ hējiǔ

ba3 yi2 shu4 hen3 mei3 de hua1 fang4 zai4 zhuo1shang4
bǎ yí shù hěn měi de huā fàng zài zhuōshàng

6. Fill in the blanks with correct characters.


7. Add character components to each side of the character “” to form the characters.


8. Fill in the blanks with “”, “” or “”.


9. Fill in the blanks with correct words.


10. Make sentences by matching the words of part 1 with those of part 2 .


11. Write sentences with the words given.


12. Make sentences with the words given.


13. Change the following sentences into the ones with “”.


14. Translate the following sentences into English.

(1)If the thief didn’t steal my bicycle, I can ride it to the park.
(2)We bring a bunch of flower to see teacher Wang, from the opening door we can see she is watching TV.
(3)If we can get the air ticket, we’ll start off soon.
(4)That taxi was stopped in the wrong place, so the driver was fined by police.
(5)The birthday cake which my mother made for me was ate by my younger sister and her classmates, because my younger sister and I were born in the same day.

15. Decide whether the following statements are grammatically correct (T) or wrong (F).

(2)F 躺着看电视对眼睛不太好。
(3)F 我正在复习课文,复习完课文就去吃饭。
(5)F 如果你被汽车撞了,汽车就糟糕了。

16. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text in “Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing” of this lesson.


Lección26-第二十六 你快要成中国通

Listening and Speaking Exercises

2. Listen to each question and circle the correct answer according to the texts.

(1)B (2)B (3)D (4)C (5)A

3. Listen to the following dialogue and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

(1)T (2)T (3)F (4)F (5)T

The dialogue is:


4. Listen and fill in the blanks.


5. Listen and write the sentences in pinyin.

(1)Li4shi3 bo2wu4guan3 zheng4zai4 ju3ban4 Zhong1guo2 hua4zhan3.
Lìshǐ bówùguǎn zhèngzài jǔbàn Zhōngguó huàzhǎn.

(2)Wo3 nǚpeng2you dui4 wo3men ban1 de jie2ye4 ju4hui4 hen3 gan3 xing4qu4.
Wǒ nǚpéngyou duì wǒmen bān de jiéyè jùhuì hěn gǎn xìngqù.

(3)Na4 ge4 E2luo2si1 xiao3huo3zi zhang3 de hen3 shuai4.
Nà gè Éluósī xiǎohuǒzi zhǎng de hěn shuài.

(4)Ma1ma ta1men yi4zhi2 zai4 liao2tian1, wo3 kuai4 yao4 e4 si3 le.
Māma tāmen yìzhí zài liáotiān, wǒ kuài yào è sǐ le.

(5)Ta1 gang1 xue2 han4yu3 de shi2hou4, sheng1diao4 jiu4 bi3 bie2ren2 hao3 de duo1, xian4zai4 shi4 yue4lai2yue4 hao3 le.
Tā gāng xué hànyǔ de shíhòu, shēngdiào jiù bǐ biérén hǎo de duō, xiànzài shì yuèláiyuè hǎo le.

The Chinese sentences are:


6. Listen and write the characters.


Reading and Writing Exercises

1. Trace the characters, following the correct stroke order. Then copy the characters in the blanks.


2. Write the characters in the blanks, paying attention to the character components.


3. Give the pinyin of the following characters and then form words or phrases with them.

(1)儿er2 – ér(女儿)几jǐ – ji3,(几个)

(2)石shi2 – shí(石头)右you4 – yòu(右边)

(3)刀dao1 – dāo(刀子)力li4 – lì(力气)

(4)入ru4 – rù(进入)人ren2 – rén(人们)

(5)部bu4 – bù(一部电影)陪pei2 – péi(陪聊)

(6)夫fu1 – fū(丈夫)天tian1 – tiān(天气)

(7)练lian4 – liàn(练习)炼lian4 – liàn(锻炼)

(8)孩hai2 – hái(孩子)该gai1 – gāi(应该)

(9)放fang4 – fàng(放假)访fang3 – fǎng(访问)

(10)明ming2 – míng(明天)朋peng2 – péng(朋友)

(11)错cuo4 – cuò(错误)借jie4 – jiè(借书证)

(12)请qing3 – qǐng(请坐)情qing2 – qíng(爱情)

(13)住zhu4 – zhù(住址)注zhu4 – zhù(注意)

(14)谁shei2 – shéi(是谁)难nan2 – nán(难题)

(15)种zhong3 – zhǒng(一种)钟zhong1 – zhōng(时钟)

4. Give the pinyin of the following groups of words and then translate them into English.

(1)特(te4 – tè)—特别(te4bie2 – tèbié)special
特点(te4se – tèdiǎn)characteristic
特色(te4dian3 – tèsè)distinguishing feature
特长(te4chang2 – tècháng)specialty/special aptitude

(2)餐(can1 – cān)—中餐(Zhong1can1 – Zhōngcān)Chinese food
西餐(Xi1can1 – Xīcān)Westren food
晚餐(wan3can1 – wǎncān)dinner
早餐(zao3can – zǎocān)breakfast
午餐(wu3can1 – wǔcān)lunch
正餐(zheng4can1 – zhèngcān)dinner

(3)文(wen2 – wén)—文化(wen2hua4 – wénhuà)culture
文学(wen2xue2 – wénxué)literature
文字(wen2zi4 – wénzì)characters

(4)馆(guan3 – guǎn)—博物馆(bo2wu4guan3 – bówùguǎn)museum
展览馆(zhan3lan3guan3 – zhǎnlǎnguǎn)exhibiton hall
图书馆(tu2shu1guan3 – túshūguǎn)library
茶馆(cha2guan3 – cháguǎn)teahouse
饭馆(fan4guan3 – fànguǎn)restaurant
咖啡馆(ka1fei1guan3 – kāfēiguǎn)coffee bar

(5)化(hua4 – huà)—中国化(Zhong1guo2hua4 – Zhōngguóhuà)Sinicize
城市化(cheng2shi4hua4 – chéngshìhuà)Urbanization
知识化(zhi1shi2hua4 – zhīshíhuà)intellectualize
绿化(lühua4 – lǜhuà)afforest
现代化(xian4dai4hua4 – xiàndàihuà)modernization

5. Write the pictophonetic characters you have learned so far with the following characters as their sound components.


6. Give the pinyin of the following characters and write the characters according to the pinyin.

(1)吃得很舒服chi1 de hen3 shu1fu2 – chī de hěn shūfú

(2)那位音乐家的经验na4 wei4 yin1yue4jia1 de jing1yan4 – nà wèi yīnyuèjiā de jīngyàn

(3)多见几次就熟悉了duo1 jian4 ji3 ci4 jiu4 shu2xi1 le – duō jiàn jǐ cì jiù shúxī le

(4)用流利的汉语聊天yong4 liu2li4 de han4yu3 liao2tian1 – yòng liúlì de hànyǔ liáotiān


7. Fill in the blanks with correct characters.


8. Character riddle.

The character is:明

9. Fill in the blanks with “” or “”.


10. Make sentences with the words given.


11. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text in “Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing” of this lesson.



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