EAN: 9787513824835
ISBN: 978-7-5138-2483-5 // ISBN: 9787513824835
Erscheinungsjahr: 2024
Verlag: Sinolingua
Seitenzahl: 554
Sprachen: Chinesisch, Englisch
Herkunftsland: China
Beschreibung des Buches und Beschreibung der Serie, zu der das Buch gehört, vom Verleger in englischer Sprache bereitgestellt:
About the series:
To help students in enhancing their Chinese vocabulary and in passing the HSK test, the series titled “New HSK Vocabulary Graded by Frequency” has been compiled. It draws from the Chinese Proficiency Test Syllabus 2021, the Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education (hereinafter abbreviated as the “Standards”), and the test papers of the HSK examinations.
This series adheres to the “Standards” in its design. It consists of five volumes: one Elementary Volume (Levels 1-3), three Intermediate Volumes (Levels 4, 5, and 6), and one Advanced Volume (Levels 7-9). Incorporating over 10,000 words and expressions, the series draws from the test syllabus, emphasizing terms based on their frequency in HSK examinations. Using a database, the exact number of times each word appears is tabulated, shaping the sequence within the books.
About this product:
This approach aids students in systematically and effectively learning key terms. This is the Intermediate Volume (Level 6).
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