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    Integrated Chinese, Volume 2, Workbook (Paperback, Simplified)- 4th Edition

    EAN: 9781622911431

    ISBN: 978-16-2291-143-1  // ISBN: 9781622911431
    Erscheinungsjahr: 2017
    Verlag: Cheng & Tsui
    Seitenzahl: 226
    Sprachen: Chinesisch, Englisch
    HerkunftslandVereinigte Staaten

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    Klicken Sie hier für die Audio Dateien zu Integrated Chinese, Volume 2, Workbook

    Dieses Buch ist die vierte Auflage des Workbook des zweiten Niveaus der Methode Integrated Chinese, die sich an Schüler mit einem Grundstufenniveau auf Chinesisch richtet. 
    Integrated Chinese ist eine kommunikative Methode, welche echte Chinesisch-Texte mit gängigem und sehr nützlichem Vokabular bietet. Außerdem beinhaltet es Einheiten die Studenten dazu ermutigen, Vokabular zu ihren persönlichen Interessen zu lernen. 

    Dieses Buch beinhaltet Übungen zum Hörverständnis, zur Konversation, zum Leseverständnis sowie zum schriftlichen Ausdruck und zur Grammatik.

    Das Buch wird vervollständigt durch Integrated Chinese, Volume 2, Textbook und Integrated Chinese, Volume 2, Character Workbook.

    Beschreibung des Verlags:

    Integrated Chinese is an acclaimed Mandarin Chinese language course that delivers a cohesive system of print and digital resources for highly effective teaching and learning. First published in 1997 and now in its 4th Edition, it has become the leading Chinese language textbook series in the United States and beyond. 

    The Workbook of this time-tested series has been fully revised to align with the needs of today’s learners:

    •   The core language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing are given equal emphasis
    •   Lesson Opener checklists help students monitor their progress and self-assess
    •   Idiomatic language builds communicative competence and cultural literacy
    •   Streaming audio is provided for the listening comprehension exercises 
    •   Visuals prompt students to answer in Chinese without translating from English
    •   Authentic realia presents language in context and helps develop predictive skills 
    •   Pinyin and Tone exercises help build recognition of syllabic characters and progressively improve pronunciation 
    •   Extra writing exercises expand recognition and production of Chinese characters
    •   Open-ended exercises help students personalize and internalize the language 
    •   Interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational activities build proficiency and communication strategies while encouraging active use of language across different modes
    •   Cumulative review units test student progress after every five lessons

    The Workbook and Character Workbook are also available through the ChengTsui Web App™. In the digital format, the Workbook exercises are presented alongside the Textbook content, and feature auto-grading capability. The Character Workbook is downloadable for handwriting practice. For more information, visit chengtsui.co. 

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    Integrated Chinese, Volume 2, Workbook (Paperback, Simplified)- 4th Edition
    Integrated Chinese, Volume 2, Workbook (Paperback, Simplified)- 4th Edition

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