EAN: 9781138188600
Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning of Chinese as a Foreign Language
ISBN: 978-1-138-18860-0 // ISBN: 9781138188600
Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
Verlag: Routledge
Seitenzahl: 173
Sprachen: Englisch
Herkunftsland: Vereinigtes Königreich
Buchbeschreibung des Verlags:
Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning of Chinese as a Foreign Language provides new and experienced teachers of Chinese with a timely review and evaluation of the use of technology in the language classroom.
The book draws from second language acquisition theories and empirical studies to demonstrate the use of technologies in facilitating language learning. With a strong practical and pedagogical focus, this is an ideal resource for current and prospective teachers of Chinese as a Foreign Language.
Key features include:
-Demonstration and analysis of technologies in use
-Principles and methods to evaluate instructional technologies
-Summary tables presenting the key functions of each technology tool
Online resources include up-to-date information on new technologies and tools to address the ever-changing nature of the topic.
List of Tables
List of Figures
How to Use This Book
Chapter 1. The Drives: What is behind Our Decisions Regarding Instructional Technology?
Chapter 2. The Filters: Standards, Principles, and Considerations for Selecting and Using Instructional Technology
Chapter 3. Language Learning Process and Points of Enhancement using Technology
Chapter 4. Using Technology to Promote Oral Proficiency
Chapter 5. Using Technology to Promote Literacy
Chapter 6. Learner-Centered Instruction, Digital Storytelling and Flipped Learning
Chapter 7. More Tools, Teacher Resources, and Peace of Mind
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