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    Graded Chinese Reader 3000 Words (QR inklusive/MP3)

    EAN: 9787513808323

    ISBN: 978-75-13808-32-3 //  ISBN: 9787513808323
    Erscheinungsjahr: 2007
    Verlag: Sinolingua
    Seitenzahl: 257
    Sprachen: Englisch, Chinesisch
    Herkunftsland: China

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    Reading guide

    1- Abridged versions of short stories and novella written by contemporary Chinese writers reflecting everyday life of ordinary Chinese people.

    2- The book contains around 3000 Chinese words based on the 1033 words of Level A and 2018 of Level B listed in the HSK outline.

    3- Concise and short sentences with complete structure, commonly used words in high frequency.

    4- Pinyin added to the complete text and English notes or sample sentences for difficult words and sentences provided

    5- Guide to reading and About the author in English and Questions in Chinese are provided with each story

    6- With original illustrations for each story and narration included with QR (mp3)

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    Watching the Clouds Go By (und weitere Aufsätze)
    Watching the Clouds Go By (und weitere Aufsätze)

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