EAN: 9788409149933
ISBN: 9788409149933
Year of publication: 2019
Publisher: Mamahuhu Publisher
Number of pages: 48
Language: Chinese, English, Spanish
Country of origin: Spain
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Wai xing ren lai le - ¡Vienen los extraterrestres!/ Aliens are coming! is a tale for kids who are taking Chinese language lessons. Through this book, publishers have tried to create an interesting book for kids, with simple vocabulary to review what they have learnt already and the same time, they can learn new words.
The book introduces a systems that publishers have named "uncomfortable pinyin" whose main goal is based in students only able to read the characters without using pinyin. To do so, pinyin has been printed by using light ink and characters have been printed in dark ink.
The book contains pictures in both pages, it has been translated into English and Spanish and contains all vocabulary translated and alphabetically ordered.
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