EAN: 9781606035788
ISBN: 9781606035788
Year of publication: 2013
Publisher: Better Chinese
Number of pages: 296 + appendix of 50 pages
Languages: English, Chinese
Country of origin: USA
Modern Chinese Volume 1B is the second book after the Modern Chinese Volume 1A book for beginner Chinese language learners. Volume 1B moves into new themes like Fashion and Chinese Festivals. Each lesson is still introduced with the same comic book style and story-based approach as Volume 1A.
Modern Chinese Textbook 1B includes the following themes:
Unit 9 衣 Fashion
Lesson 1: 买衣服 Shopping for Clothes
Lesson 2: 你喜欢什么颜色?What Colors Do You Like?
Unit 10 娱 Hobbies & Activities
Lesson 1: 星期六的活动 Plans for Saturday
Lesson 2: 在音乐会 At a Concert
Unit 11 情 Relationships & People
Lesson 1: 约会 A Date
Lesson 2: 分手 A Breakup
Unit 12 医 Medicine
Lesson 1: 生病了 Getting Sick
Lesson 2: 看病 At the Doctor’s
Unit 13 商 Business
Lesson 1: 打工 Part-Time Job
Lesson 2: 去中国实习 Internship in China
Unit 14 节 Festivals
Lesson 1: 新年快乐!Happy Chinese New Year!
Lesson 2: 中国和西方节日 Chinese and Western Holidays
Unit 15 礼 Chinese Ways
Lesson 1: 有礼貌 Being Respectful
Lesson 2: 了解中国文化 Understanding Chinese Culture
Unit 16 @ Technology & Modern China
Lesson 1: 线上聊天 Chatting Online
Lesson 2: 一路顺风! Have a Safe Trip!
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