EAN: 9781138590007
Perform Suzhou - A Course in Intermediate to Advanced Spoken Mandarin (Inlc. Audio Download)
ISBN: 978-1-138-59000-7// ISBN: 9781138590007
Year of publication: 2018
Publisher: Routledge
Number of pages: 315
Languages: English
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Click here to access the audio files
With Perform Suzhou intermediate level students of Chinese will develop their communication skills through role plays, active listening to the audio files, resolving exercises and reading about Chinese culture.
The book is organized in 24 steps, divided by 8 units. These 8 units cover the communication skills required for travelling in China and include looking up a bus route or getting to know the locals. Each step is organized in the following manner:
-Step 1: Warm-up 投石同路
Five questions on the dialogue you are about to listen to.
-Step 2: Listening and Visualizing 边听边想
Active listening to the dialogue.
-Step 3: Listening with Scripts 耳闻目睹
Listening to the dialogue with the transcript.
-Step 4: Notes on Dialogues 知其所以然
Questions and explanations on the dialogue, structures and strategies to improve communication.
-Step 5: Performance Scripts 体演文本
Practicing the dialogue line by line with the help of the transcript.
-Step 6: Reflection and Elicitation 举一反三
Questions to guide students on not-so-obvious aspects of Chinese culture.
-Step 7: Drills and Narrating Exercises 熟能生巧
Revision and systematization exercises as well as exercises to produce a text.
-Step 8: Notes on Expanded Culture-related Topics 言外有意
An in-depth approach to cultural aspects and introduction of idioms.
-Step 9: Field Performance 学而时习之
Several situations in which students must apply what they have learned.
The audio files for Perform Suzhou son can be downloaded from the publisher¡s website (please see link at the beginning of this product descriptions). They include the questions, dialogues and exercises.
The Chinese characters in this book are displayed without pinyin, which is why Perform Suzhou is recommended for intermediate to advanced level students. It is also a useful resource for teachers who would like to enhance their students' communication skills.
Book contents:
第一单元 抵达苏州 Settling Down
1.1 初次见面 三人行必有我师
1.2 吃饭了 民以食为天
1.3 买东西 货比三家
第二单元 校园生活 Campus Life
2.1 去哪儿 雪中送炭
2.2 与老师交流 没有规矩,不成方圆
2.3 组织活动 群策群力
第三单元 饮食交友 Food and Friendship
3.1 朋友小聚 客随主便
3.2 家庭做客 礼轻情意重
3.3 出席宴会 高朋满座
第四单元 游山玩水 Sightseeing
4.1 团队游 走马观花
4.2 自助游 退而求其次
4.3 灵岩山 山不在高,有仙则名
第五单元 解决问题 Solving Problems
5.1 钱包丢了 吃一堑,长一智
5.2 咨询前台 宾至如归
5.3 空调病 寻医问药
第六单元 社会活动 Social Engagements
6.1 到社区去 一回生,两回熟
6.2 志愿服务 意在言外
6.3 参加会议 毛遂自荐
第七单元 调查研究 Research
7.1 确立话题 有的放矢
7.2 街头采访 循序渐进
7.3 口头报告 对答如流
第八单元 话说苏州 Talking about Suzhou
8.1 漫谈苏州 月是故乡明
8.2 苏州攻略 痛并快乐着
8.3 暂别苏州 依依不舍
附 录
附录1 Questions in "投石问路"
附录2 Sample Narrations
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