EAN: 9789570864915
ISBN: 9789570864915
Year of publication: 2022
Publisher: Linking Publishing
Number of pages: 144
Language: traditional Chinese
Country of origin: Taiwan
Reading course for intermediate to pre-advanced learners of Chinese.
The book is published in Taiwan and uses traditional characters (simplified characters are used in mainland China).
Description provided by the publisher:
Designed for students learning Chinese at intermediate through advanced-low proficiency levels, The Ultimate Chinese Reader covers engaging topics from Chinese literature, history & geography, technology, and culture studies, suitable for all learners to polish their reading comprehension abilities. It can be useful resource to the preparation for TOCFL as well.
Each chapter includes vocabulary and intense exercise and practice section especially designed to further enhance reading and writing skills. The Ultimate Chinese Reader may be used independently for reading courses or as supplementary materials in existing Chinese learning programs. This book is ideal for learners with the equivalent level of Band B, Level 4, TOCFL or B1, CEFR.
Description in traditional Chinese provided by the publisher:
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