EAN: 9787040486124
YCT Standard Course 5 - Activity Book (YCT 4A)
ISBN: 978-7-04-048612-4 // ISBN: 9787040486124
Year of publication: 2018
Publisher: Higher Education Press
Number of pages: 81
Languages: Chinese, English
Country of origin: China
YCT Standard Course 5 - Activity Book (YCT 4A) is the workbook of the fifth level of the method YCT Standard Course, for this reason, it can be complemented with the textbook YCT Standard Course 5 - YCT 5.
This book posits exercises to review what it has been learnt in the main textbook.
The exercises are targeted to children, for this reason, some of them contain fun activities such us drawing, copy and paste etc. Besides, the books provide exercised to write characters: fill the gaps, choose a word etc.
Students will find the answers at the end of the book.
Description by the publisher:
Youth Chinese Test (YCT) is an international standardized test of Chinese proficiency, which evaluates the ability of non-native Chinese middle school and primary school students to use the Chinese language in their daily lives and study. With the principle of "combining testing and teaching, promoting learning and teaching by testing", Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban) and China Higher Education Press too much effort in compiling the YCT standard Course.
为鼓励汉语非第一语言的中小学生学习汉语,培养、提高他们的汉语能力,自2004年以来,中国国家汉办组织中外汉语教学、语言学、心理学和教育测量学等领域的专家,在充分调查、了解海外中小学实际汉语教学情况的基础上,开发了新中小学生汉语考试(YCT)。每年参加YCT考试的考生达5万多人次,但尚没有一套完全符合YCT大纲和考试的教材,《YCT标准教程》将填补这一空白。 苏英霞主编的《YCT标准教程活动手册(5)》一、编写理念:考教结合。教:紧扣大纲、贴近生活、寓教于乐,考:模拟真题、随学随练。二、适用对象:海外汉语非第一语言的中小学生。此教程为通用型教材,稍微偏重欧美地区。三、教程构成:第一册对应YCT(一级),第二册对应YCT(二级),第三、四册对应YCT(三级),第五、六册对应YCT(四级)。四、每册和每课内容:(1)每册教材共12课,每课后面安排一个模拟测试,题型与真题完全相同。(2)每课内容:关键句、生词、课文、活动和练习、测试页等。
Lesson 1 你对中国功夫感兴趣吗?Are you interested in Chinese kung fu?
Lesson 2 兔子更可爱。Rabbits are even cuter.
Lesson 3 电梯坏了。There is something wrong with the elevator.
Lesson 4 每个人都有自己的习惯。Everyone has their own habits.
Lesson 5 他们多么年轻啊!They're so young!
Lesson 6 站着的还是坐着的?The one standing or the one sitting?
Lesson 7 我经常去体育馆锻炼身体。I often go to the gym to work out.
Lesson 8 北京一共有四个季节。Beijing has four seasons altogether.
Lesson 9 冰激凌既好吃又便宜。The ice cream is delicious and cheap.
Lesson 10 你的汉语会越来越好。Your Chinese will get better and better.
Lesson 11 来一盘羊肉饺子。I'd like a plate of lamb dumplings.
Lesson 12 坐飞机或者坐火车都可以。You can either take the plane or the train.
Lesson 13 我先帮你补牙。I'll do the filling for you first.
Lesson 14 我打算去中国旅游。I'm planning to go travelling in China.
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