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Making Connections (Second Edition-Simplified Chinese)- Free Audio Downloads

EAN: 9780887277672

Making Connections (Second Edition-Simplified Chinese)- Free Audio Downloads
ISBN:  978-0-88727-767-2 //  ISBN: 9780887277672
Año de edición: 2012
Editorial: Cheng & Tsui
Número de páginas: 362
Idioma: inglés, chino 
País de origen: Estados Unidos

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Nueva edición de un libro de comprensión auditiva especialmente valorado por el realismo de sus grabaciones. Recomendamos leer las críticas que se la ha hecho a la primera edición del libro en nuestra página web (enlace aquí).

Haciendo clic en este enlace se puede acceder a escuchar una pista de audio (debe descargarse de forma gratuita con el libro) de muestra del presente título.

Nota de la segunda edición:

Making Connections, Second Edition gives beginning and intermediate students of Chinese an early start in developing strategies to dramatically improve their listening comprehension. An effective companion to any first or second year textbook, Making Connections improves listening skills through the use of recordings of natural, unrehearsed conversations between native Mandarin speakers. Students will hear the spoken language in a variety of contexts, from chats between friends to conversations between doctor and patient to radio broadcasts. The accompanying written exercises guide students through each audio track, explaining particular aspects of the language, supplemented with related realia and cartoon illustrations. Pre- and post-listening activities train students to listen for detail and intent, and an index lists vocabulary terms by lesson, in both simplified and traditional characters.

The first 23 lessons in the book correspond to lesson topics from Integrated Chinese, Level 1, Parts 1 and 2. Lessons 24-45 offer additional situational topics that range in difficulty from novice to high-intermediate. With its strong emphasis on listening comprehension, Making Connections is a great preparation tool for standardized tests of Chinese, such as the AP* Chinese Language and Culture exam, the HSK, and others. Audio materials are available as a free MP3 download with purchase of the book.

Note from editors (primera edición):

Listening comprehension is a vital part of language learning—but one that is frequently underemphasized in Chinese textbooks, except at the advanced levels. To help fill that gap for beginning and intermediate students, Madeline Spring has developed Making Connections. It offers students an early start to developing important strategies that will improve their listening comprehension. The dialogues in the recordings are all natural and unrehearsed conversations by native Mandarin Chinese speakers; each dialogue has extensive written exercises that guide students through the conversation, and focus on particular aspects of the language that surface in the dialogue. The topics correspond to Level 1 of the bestselling Integrated Chinese series, but this book can be used as a companion to any first or second year Chinese textbook, or on its own. With its strong emphasis on listening comprehension, Making Connections is also a great preparation tool for test-takers of the AP* Chinese language and culture exam, the HSK test, and other standardized tests of Chinese. Available in traditional or simplified characters. Does not include transcripts.

Making Connections offers students an early start to developing important strategies to improve their listening comprehension. The textbook and audio CDs include 45 lessons arranged by difficulty. Each lesson presents a short conversation or monologue that models a real social interaction, accompanied by written exercises and additional explanations. The speakers were not given scripts, nor was the conversation limited to specific vocabulary. In other words, this is “simulated authentic language.” Each lesson is accompanied by written exercises and includes sections on vocabulary, context, and follow-up activities.

The first audio CD corresponds to the 23 lessons found in Integrated Chinese Level 1, Part 1 and Integrated Chinese Level 1, Part 2. The second audio CD contains an additional 22 lessons and offers students a chance to hear a variety of speakers talking about a wide range of subjects. Most of the recordings are set in the United States, six lessons are set in China, and three of the lessons are Chinese-language radio broadcasts from either China or Taiwan. All dialogues in the recordings are natural and unrehearsed conversations by native Mandarin Chinese speakers.

听力训练是语言学习中不可或缺的一环,但除了高阶程度教科书之外,一般教科书中经常无法充分练习,因此本书提供了初阶及中阶学生额外补充听力训练。由 Madeline Spring 编写发展出适合训练听力的内容。所有的对话皆是由中籍人士在自然、没有演练的情况下录音,着重於口语对话的语言。本书题材配合畅销教材《中文听说读写》 Level 1之主题,可作为第一年或第二年的补充教材,亦是准备 AP 中文测验及 HSK 等其他测验的良好素材。本书有正体字版及简体字版。


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Making Connections (Second Edition-Simplified Chinese)- Free Audio Downloads
Making Connections (Second Edition-Simplified Chinese)- Free Audio Downloads

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Bastante gente me lo había recomendado ....No me ha defraudado . Los diálogos se asimilan mucho a situaciones reales...Lenguaje fluido y abarcando muy diferentes situaciones.
Los audios hay que descargarlos desde la web ,pero sin ningún problema .
Para dar un salto cualitativo en la comprensión auditiva es muy recomendable!

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He adquirido este libro este libro recientemente. Parece que está muy bien, y me lo habían recomendado. Por mi experiencia, realmente los audios son muy "chinos" así que muy positivo en este aspecto. Respecto a un problema que he detectado tras la compra es que no trae las keys, y claro, para estudiar por cuenta propia es complicado si no puedes ver las claves a los ejercicios. No obstante, la libreria Aprende Chino hoy ante este problema, me ha facilitado unas claves del libro anterio que sirven para guiarte.
Un saludo,

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