EAN : 9787800525087
A Key to Chinese Speech and Writing Vol. 2 (textbook + CD)
ISBN: 978-7-80052-508-7 // ISBN: 9787800525087
Date de parution: 1997 (Nous envoyons la dernière réimpression en date)
Editeur: Sinolingua
Nombre de pages: 336
Langue: anglais, chinois
Pays d'origine: Chine
Deuxième tome d'une nouvelle réimpression de l'uns des livres classiques pour l'étude du chinois parlé et écrit. Dans cette nouvelle version (2010) on trouve le QR d' audio, qui était avant vendu séparément.
Description de l'éditeur à propos de la série et de chacun des tomes (en anglais):
The two volume set is more than just a guide to reading and speaking Chinese, this course is above all a way of embracing the culture and mentality of the Chinese people. The aim of this course is to present the Chinese language as it is: a world of signs with their origin and the logic of their composition, represented by the most frequently used ones.
Brief Description: Volume 1
This introductory course not only serves as a textbook but also as a guide which, through a variety of routes (etymology, semantics, linguistics, graphics and culture), helping learners think in Chinese.
Each section includes a short reading, vocabulary words, and a grammar lesson, also with special instructions for the pronunciation of the four tones in standard Chinese and helpful memorization tips.
The 400 characters featured in Volume 1 will enable you to recognize at least 70% of the characters used in books and newspapers.
Brief Description: Volume 2
This volume helps learners advance the knowledge of Chinese and improve the language to a new level.
In 25 lessons, an addition of 500 most frequently used characters is introduced in a wider context of about 4,000 words formed with them.
The total 900 characters introduced in the two volumes will allow learners to recognize 90% of the Chinese characters met with in everyday reading.
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