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    A Dictionary of 5000 Graded Words for New HSK (Level 6)

    EAN : 9787561940686

    A Dictionary of 5000 Graded Words for New HSK (Level 6)
     978-7-5619-4068-6 //  ISBN: 9787561940686
    Date de parution: 2014
    Editeur: BLCUP
    Nombre de pages: 732
    Langue: anglais, chinois
    Pays d'origine: Chine

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    Extrait de l'intérieur du livre 'A Dictionary of 5000 Graded Words for New HSK (Level 6)'

    Note de la maison d'édition (en anglais):

    A Dictionary of 5000 Graded Words for New HSK, targeted at students who are going to take the new HSK test, includes three volumes respectively for Levels 1~3, Levels 4~5 and Level 6. This is the third volume, including 2,500 entries based on the Outline of the New HSK (Level 6). Each entry is marked with pinyin and its complex character form if there is any. Different senses are listed under each entry, each marked with the word type, explained in simple and concise Chinese, and supported by 3-8 typical example sentences. An alphabetical index is provided before the main body of the dictionary. 

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    A Dictionary of 5000 Graded Words for New HSK (Level 6)
    A Dictionary of 5000 Graded Words for New HSK (Level 6)

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