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    Pop Chinese (Second Edition)

    EAN : 9780887275630

    Pop Chinese (Second Edition)
     978-0-88727-563-0 //  ISBN: 9780887275630
    Date de parution: 2007
    Editeur: Cheng & Tsui
    Nombre de pages: 466
    Langue: anglais, chinois
    Pays d'origine: États Unis

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    Note de l'éditeur:

    As successful learners of Chinese start watching Chinese-language TV, making friends with native speakers, and reading contemporary publications, they encounter unfamiliar idiomatic expressions. Learning to use such colloquial language can be a fun and important part of gaining fluency in the language.

    This bilingual handbook contains 1,200 informal colloquial idioms and phrases popular in China today, with usage examples from over 500 popular films, TV series, and contemporary novels and short stories. This revised 2nd edition includes a new English-Chinese index and a bibliography of sources, making a useful reference for Chinese-speaking learners of English.

    Pop Chinese is perfect for intermediate and advanced students; as a companion teaching tool to Chinese classes in contemporary language, film, and literature; for overseas Chinese programs; and as an essential reference on spoken Chinese for translators and researchers. Simplified characters and pinyin, with traditional equivalents for head entries.

    许多中文学习者喜欢中国电影、电视及文学,与中国朋友聊天,也把它们当作学习的管道之一。利用当代文化媒体了解中文口语用法是既重要但又极具挑战性的。《话是这么说》 一书收录了中国当代一千两百个流行口语、片语和修辞用法的工具手册,选自超过五百部电影、电视影集、小说和短篇故事。第二版更整理了全新的英汉索引、典藏 出处,是最实用的工具书,适合中级和高阶学习者作为中文课後了解流行电影、文学用语的素材,亦适合海外华裔学子、更是翻译者、语言研究者的重要参考资料。 本书为简体字版,附注拼音,每个俚语亦以繁体字呈现。


    "It is a rich souce of information on socio-cultural and linguistic differences between mainland China and Taiwan and sometimes between China as a whole and the U.S."

    Jun Yang, University of Chicago


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    Pop Chinese (Second Edition)
    Pop Chinese (Second Edition)

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