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    A Chinese-English Dictionary of Road Engineering

    EAN: 9787114087783

    A Chinese-English Dictionary of Road Engineering
     978-7-114-08778-3  //  ISBN: 9787114087783
    Anno di edizione: 2011
    Casa editrice: Cina Communication Press
    Numero di pagine: 1297
    Lingua: inglese, cinese 
    Paese di origine: Cina

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    Descrizione offerta dalla casa editrice (in inglese):

    This bilingual dictionary (Chinese-English) is arranged in Chinese phonetic and alphabetic order and contains more than 100000 Chinese entries with about 130000 English equivalents. It is compiled mainly for people specializing in road engineering and project management. It will be useful for people for engage in project consulting, scientific research, design, construction, supervision, contract, information exchange, invitation for commerce and foreign trade in the fields concerned. Interested teachers, students and foreigners of similar discipline will find use for it.

    Descrizione in cinese:

    《汉英道路工程词典》系汉英对照,共收集道路工程专业及项目管理有关词条10万余条(英语词约13万条),按汉语拼音字母顺序排列。《汉英道路工程词典》 主要供道路工程和项目管理人员参考使用,也适合项目咨询、科研、设计、施工、监理、招投标、信息交流、招商、外经贸人员以及有关院校师生和外籍同行参考使 用。

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    A Chinese-English Dictionary of Road Engineering
    A Chinese-English Dictionary of Road Engineering

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