EAN: 9787513817325
Magic Word Puzzle Level 2 (YCT 2)
ISBN: 978-7-5138-1732-5 // ISBN: 9787513817325
Anno di edizione: 2019
Casa editrice: Sinolingua
Numero di schede didattiche: 105
Lingua: cinese
Paese di origine: Cina
Schede di vocabolario per costruire le frasi in cinese e praticare il il lessico e la grammatica. Il secondo volume include 105 schede con 70 parole che corrispondono al livello 2 dell'esame officiale del YCT (Youth Chinese Test) destinato a studenti delle elementari e delle medie (di massimo 16 anni), madrelingua cinesi. Alcune parole di uso comune possiedono due schede di vocabolario.
Si tratta di un materiale pensato affinché i principianti acquisiscano scioltezza al momento della lettura e della costruzione di frasi in in cinese. Le schede contengono i caratteri le loro rispettive letture in pinyin.
Questo materiale può inoltre essere di grande utilità per il professore.
Nota dell'editore:
This teaching aid is designed exclusively for beginners in Chinese to help them familiarize themselves with Chinese vocabulary and improve their sentence construction ability. The teacher can provide fun activities while teaching the lessons. The students can also play the magic word puzzle games with their classmates or family members after class. This teaching aid has the following distinctive features:
--70 words selected from YCT Level Two vocabulary. These words encompass such topics as health,family, school, weather, food, colors, hobbies, numbers, shopping and holidays. This will be helpful for teaching.
--A total of 105 cards with one word on each card. The commonly-used words such as 有,是 have two cards for each word. In addition, there are 5 panda cards that can be substituted for any words as well as 18 blank cards that are used to add new words if needed.
--Four colors on the back of the cards are used to indicate the parts of speech.
--Three games are provided, but you can come up with more if you like.
--Game instructions are provided in Chinese, English, Spanish, French, German, Arabic, Indonesian, Thai and Russian.
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