EAN: 9781138631298
Mastering Advanced Modern Chinese through the Classics (Con download gratuito degli audio)
ISBN: 978-1-138-63129-8 // ISBN: 9781138631298
Anno di edizione: 2019
Casa editrice: Routledge
Numero di pagine: 198
Lingua: inglese, cinese
Paese di origine: Regno Unito
Mastering Advanced Modern Chinese through the Classics combina lo studio del cinese moderno avanzato con l'esperienza della lettura classica cinese.
Il libro raccoglie frammenti di opere rappresentative della letteratura cinese come Il Classico dei Versi, il Daodejing ecc.. e analizza i modelli grammaticali, il vocabolario e le espressioni idiomatiche rilevanti per capire il cinese standard moderno. Per questo viene scelto un frammento in cinese classico che viene analizzato, tradotto, con la sua versione in cinese moderno, ecc..
Ogni argomento contiene le seguenti parti :
- Introductory questions
- Background
- Appreciation of the classic
- Vocabulary
- Notes on the text
- Question of discussion
- Grammar and translations exercises
- Expressions and usages
- Modern perspective on the classic
- Reading Comprehension
- Vocabulary
-Grammar notes
-Question for discussion
-Communicative tasks
-Listening comprehension
-Topics for research and composition
- Text in simplified character with Pinyin
- Text in modern simplified Chinese
- English translation text
Il libro offre inoltre esercizi le cui soluzioni vengono incluse nelle dispense online del libro, che si trovano con gli audio (In questo link).
Descrizione dell'editore:
Mastering Advanced Modern Chinese through the Classics is a textbook to teach those who wish to achieve an advanced or native proficiency and cultural competence in modern Chinese, as well as to experience the beauty of Classical Chinese literature.
Collecting representative works containing vibrant views of Chinese culture from different dynasties, this book is focused on how the grammatical patterns, vocabulary, and idioms that are found in Classical Chinese are relevant in the modern adaptation of the language, and how the accumulated traditional values and beliefs found there still shape the thinking and lifestyle of modern society.
Online resources including audio, answer keys, and instructor aids will be part of the teaching package.
Indice dei contenuti:
Users’ Guides《贯古通今》使用说明
Dynastic Timeline and Authors
Lesson 1 The Classic of Poetry: Guān Jū 《诗经·关雎》
Lesson 2 Excerpts from the Analects of Confucius: Part I 《论语》选 (一)
Lesson 3 Excerpts from the Analects of Confucius: Part II 《论语》选 (二)
Lesson 4 Excerpts from Mencius 《孟子》选
Lesson 5 Excerpts from Lǎozǐ’s Dào Dé Jīng 老子《道德经》选
Lesson 6 Excerpts from Zhuāngzǐ 《庄子》选
Lesson 7 The Collection of Yuèfǔ Poetry: The Ballad of Mùlán《乐府诗集·木兰诗》
Lesson 8 The Biography of Mr. Wǔliǔ by Táo Yuānmíng陶渊明《五柳先生传》
Lesson 9 Three Poems by Wáng Wéi王维诗三首
Lesson 10 Drink More by Lǐ Bái 李白《将进酒》
Lesson 11 Two Poemsby Dù Fǔ 杜甫诗两首
Lesson 12 Cí Poetry by Lǐ Yù and Lǐ Qīngzhào 李煜与李清照词
Lesson 13 On the Love of the Lotus by Zhōu Dūnyí 周敦颐《爱莲说》
Lesson 14 Remembering the Red Cliffs by Sū Shì苏轼《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》
Lesson 15 Defying Age by Guān Hànqīng关汉卿《一枝花·不伏老》
Lesson 16 Viewing Snow in a Pavilion on the West Lake by Zhāng Dài
List of Sources and Works Consulted
Vocabulary and Grammar Points Index
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